historical image of slmcs

Historical Background
St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon is a member school of the St. Louise de Marillac Educational system managed by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.

The Company of the Daughters of Charity in the World
The Daughters of Charity (DCs) belong to an inte3rnational congregation known in the church as the company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, numbering 18,832 Sisters in 91 countries, and present in 5 continents (CVF of the DC|) Founded by St. Louise de Marillac and St. Vincent de Paul on November 29, 1633, the daughters of Charity are the first-cloistered congregation of women in the church dedicated to the service of the poor. Inspired by the burning charity which came from Christ’s total self-giving to the Father for the salvation in the seventeenth century France grew steadily by hundreds and thousands. Engaged in multiple forms services to the poor, in social welfare, in schools, in hospitals, in parishes and in basic community bui8lding activities, the Daughter of Charity are known in the Church by the name of Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Servants of the Poor. Organized to be a new type of consecrated women living and going about the world but not of the world, they form a company apostolic life in the community, in common response to the same vocation - the corporal and spiritual service of the poor as understood by St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac Worldwide expansion began during the 19th century and grew during the 20th century. Today, The Daughters of Charity continue to penetrate the world of the poor in Europe, in America, In Asia, In Oceana and in Africa. The mission “ad gentes” so much desired by St. Vincent de Paul promotes the formation of native communities in a company that has become international. The Little Company ardently desires to be entirely of Christ, in Christ and for Christ, and equally, entirely of the poor, among the poor and for the poor. The concern for the evangelization and service of the poor has recently taken the company to Chad, Libya, Kazakhstan and eve to Siberia. Truly, the daughters of charity are present wherever the poor are found for, “The Charity of Jesus Crucified Urges us”, to move forward with fidelity to the ‘vision of the founders’ and act to audacity to the ‘new calls of the poor in our time and in our place’ Over the years, responsiveness to constant change in the world has continually marked the DCs: spiritual renewal…adaptation in lifestyle….. Forms of community living…. Sisters’ formation… revision of their ministries (CVF and DC)

The Company of the Daughters of Charity
The Daughters of Charity arrived on the Philippines July 22, 1862, after more than three months of difficult sea journey abroad the frigate “Concepcion”. With the fifteen sisters, headed by Sister Tiburcia Ayans, were two Vincentian priest, two Vincentian brothers, seven Jesuits and thirteen Recollect friars. They were met by Manila Officials with a fluvial procession. The Sister’s profound faith and selfless love served as the foundation for the rapid growth of various institutions of Charity. The pioneer sisters’ "founding" missions were school-based and hospital/health services. Education apostolate expanded and the sisters found themselves in the mainstreams of building life-giving communities among the poor in several dioceses throughout the country. In Sorsogon, there were two communities established. They are St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (SLMCS), formerly Colegio de la Milagrosa, with a campus in Gubat, Sorsogon, named: St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon Gubat Campus (SLMCS - Gubat Campus) and Colegio de la Immaculate Concepcion now named St. Louise de Marillac School of Bulan (SLMSB) SLMCS Gubat Campus and SLMSB takes pride in being the first and only catholic schools in Gubat and Bulan, respectively. From 1862 to 2012 - one hundred fifty (150) years of presence and service in the Philippines, the Daughters of Charity continually saw the need, responded to the love of Jesus Crucified wherever they were. Through the years, living out faithfully their identity - totally given to GOD in community, for the service of Christ in their sisters and brothers who are living in poverty in a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity (C.7a), the DC Philippine Province has grown in “wisdom, age, and grace.”

Journey through the Years
Colegio de la Milagrosa, now named St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon, takes pride in being the first catholic school and the only PAASCU level II accredited school in the Province of Sorsogon.

Early Beginnings

Becoming a Teacher-Training Institution

Moving on Towards Curricular Expansion




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